Discovery creates clean, safe environments designed for our youngest worshipers. Through Bible exploration, worship, crafts, and play we seek to impart three core truths to our kids: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever.
Children ages birth thru kindergarten meet on the 1st floor in separate classrooms designed especially for them. There are age appropriate activities planned for both the 9:30am and 11:00 am service times, including crafts, games, singing, and a Bible lesson. They also enjoy learning through free play and interacting with one another.
We want them to be excited and look forward to coming to church. We endeavor to have fun-filled, child-centered rooms that have loving caregivers to interact with the children. Central has both volunteer and paid staff helping in the nursery and early childhood classrooms. The classrooms are open to receiving the children 10 minutes before services begin .
Safety, cleanliness, and loving children for Jesus are important to Central. All the equipment and materials have gone through the toughest tests to know that they are safe for the smallest of children. After each time the nursery is used, the room and equipment are cleaned and disinfected. Our first priority for Central’s early childhood ministry is the children. We want to make sure that each child knows that God Made Them, God Loves Them, and that Jesus Wants To Be Their Friend Forever!
Central Kids loves to offer many opportunities for your 1st thru 5th grade kids to learn and grow in faith. We desire to partner with you, working together, to help your child love and follow Jesus. We provide a friendly, safe environment with a team of fun, caring, and background checked volunteers. Whether it’s Sunday School, Worship, Bible Quizzing, Upward Sports, or Vacation Bible Camp, Central Kids aims to Connect Kids to Jesus.
We believe in the importance of intergenerational worship and as a result we gather as families every first Sunday of the month. This means that children stay with parents during the adult worship service on the first Sunday of each month.
On Sundays, kids gather in Central Kids (2nd Floor) at 9:30AM for Sunday School in classrooms according to grade and gender. At 11:00AM, we gather as a large group for worship.
On Wednesdays, children gather in Central Kids at 6:30PM for a time of worship, prayer, and a Bible lesson. Wednesday nights often also include a game, snack, and/or object lessons. It’s fun to gather with friends and learn about God on Wednesdays!
For Quizzing, this year we will study the Gospel of Matthew. We will meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:45PM upstairs in Central Kids. We will begin in September. You can sign up to be on the quiz team in Central Kids on Sundays and Wednesdays.